Malie Bharath is a Wellness Coach whose mission focuses
on supporting the Mind Body & Soul in order to achieve
transformation, success & greatness.
One component of her business focuses on helping executive men and women rewire their mindsets so that they move through life fulfilled and unobstructed; the other gives special attention to women looking to transform their bodies; her approach there is unique as it ties mindset coaching into fitness training thereby solidifying pivotal results.
The third component of her business are speaking engagements geared towards helping women change their mindsets in order to conquer life's different traumas tragedies and transitions and be successful in all endeavors.
Events will enlighten attendees on how the mindset governs all facets of our daily lives, which includes body transformation, and the power it has to change our trajectory to be rerouted for success.
There are 3 topics:
Why is life so hard, or does my mindset suck?? (30 min)
Single, broke, sad & a few pounds heavier, now what? (45 min)
Your Mindset VS Tom Foolery-Winner takes all (45 min)
Simplifying exactly what the mindset is with an emphasis on how it is affected
by all life's traumas tragedies and transitions. Understanding this is the key to unlocking all change in life.
The fundamental element to losing weight permanently and adopting a healthy lifestyle, contrary to popular belief, is not diet and excercise, it's the mindset.
This speech explains that the ultimate key to losing weight and body transformation is the mindset.
Meet Tom Foolery and all his facades, you already know some of them:
loss, debt, depression, he's got a ton. This talk discusses the ongoing battle
all our mindsets have with with Tom Foolery, and how we can arm ourselves to defeat him and live the life we've always desired.
These presentations are designed for any organization, whether small or large, corporate, or otherwise, that seeks to educate their employees and empower them to excel in their personal lives, thereby showing up as the absolute best versions of themselves in the workplace. Speaking engagements can be arranged either in person or virtually, depending on your preference.
Please complete the following form; it is imperative that this is submitted to
ensure that we are a well-suited match
Contact me below to book a Mindset Speaking Event.